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The Best Foods At Disney World

Permission To Speak Freely?

We just got back from a Disney trip, and the food at Disney has been a topic of continuous conversation between the friends in my life who are just-coming-home-from-Disney or soon-going-to-Disney.

Disney people (as in, people who really really love Disney) will tell you that the food at Disney World is delicious.

God bless them, but how can we trust them? How can we know they aren’t being blinded by their love of the most magical place on earth?

I do have an appreciation for Disney World, but I am decidedly a food person before I’m a Disney person, which means I have a (self-declared) unbiased perspective on the subject and authority to write this post!

Four images from Walt Disney World: Bjork on the plane, girls in front of a mural, Bjork in front of entrance, and Lindsay and Bjork eating outside.

Yes, there are plenty of overpriced and underwhelming Mickey pretzels and Dole whip stands. I said it.

But even for us food snobs, some of the food at Disney is really actually very delicious.

A Disney trip probably isn’t going to be your most gourmet experience ever, but I promise there are some gems. Let’s find you some really delicious little bites! I love this for all of us.

Have a great trip! (And if you have a favorite to add, please share in the comments!)

Lindsay signature.

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