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Garage Organization That Gets Stuff OFF the Floor ...

Get stuff off the garage floor with these easy organizing solutions!

Easy and effective ways to utilize wall space get your sports equipment, lawn tools and extension cords off the floor. 

The process of
purging and figuring out organization is fun to me. I’m sure many of
you would rather poke your eyeballs out, but this stuff makes me HAPPY. 

Figuring out a solution for a storage problem is like a puzzle — I
enjoy researching and figuring out what will work best for us. We have one
corner in our garage that wasn’t working at all. It was stuffed
full of items that had no home, as well as poor storage for the items that did
belong there.

I SO wish I had a before photo of this spot! I’m kicking myself because the
after is beautiful. 😂 As beautiful as garage organization can get anyway.
Let’s go through some of the items I used, shall we? 

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Before I tackled this spot we had a long, rolling basketball holder that was
taking up too much room — it was way more than we needed. I knew if I could
find a better solution for the basketballs, I could open up a lot of space in
this spot. (We have a lot of basketballs!)

It fits perfectly in between the garage doors — it’s SUCH a better use of
space. The balls stay put when the doors open too. 

My DIY project for this garage corner is a great way to store outdoor
extension cords. We had them all hung on individual hooks before, which was
fine…but it looked messy and the wall they were on was full of other stuff
too. So half the time they ended up on a hook with a bunch of other ones, just
because it was the closest and easiest one. 

We have a lot of these cords — I use a lot during the holidays. I wanted them
streamlined and hung all together. I did some research and found
this great do-it-yourself extension cord holder
and immediately ran out and got the supplies. 

You’ll need a pipe in whatever length you want — I chose four feet. Get two
elbow pieces and two flanges to mount it with:

It only took a few minutes to screw them all together. 

You can just attach the flanges to the wall with screws, but I wanted to make
sure the whole thing was secured into studs, so I mounted the rod on a scrap
piece of wood first:

pipe extension cord holder

And then hung that on the wall into studs. 

You can use the pipe to hang your extension cords however you want — “S”
hooks will work, but I didn’t want them flying off when we grabbed a cord. I
these velcro cord holders
and decided to use those on the pipe instead: 
DIY extension cord hanger garage

It’s perfect! The pipe parts cost me $15:

DIY extension cord hanger

The bonus is that I hung this right above an outlet…so we can plug them in
right there and use the cords. And it just looks GOOD! 

All of the garden tools are hung using these units we’ve had forever: 

garden tool wall storage
They work great — the garden tool handle catches and stays put so they don’t
fall, and you can hang things as high or low as you want. This
garden tool holder
is the same but also has small hooks on the front — love it! 

We have a few bats and other sports gear that I wanted to be easily accessible. I
realized after the fact that I could have used one of the tool holders above. 

using tool hanger for baseball bats
The clamps hold down on the handle perfectly (and hold wider handles just

baseball bat storage garage

I used the rest of that scrap wood to mount that one too!

We had random kid stuff like golf and softballs, bubbles and chalk that
weren’t organized well. I gathered everything in one spot and hung a shelf
above the extension cord organizer: 

garage shelf for kid stuff
I used
my favorite storage bins
for those and the shelf and brackets were from Lowe’s. It’s high but we can
all reach it just fine. If you have little ones who will need to reach these
items it would be great down lower as well. 
I thought a lot about items we need to grab on the way out the door, and where
it would be best to hang them. I hung our
bleacher seats
in this corner as well so we can throw them in the trunk on the way out: 
perfect metal garage hooks

I use those
metal hooks
for all kinds of things in the garage! They’re great for just about anything
and are easy to hang.  

My mission throughout this garage organization process has been to get things
off the floor, but at in an efficient way. When we moved in a few years
ago I just threw hooks up on the wall everywhere.

This time I thought carefully about what we use and where I should place them
on the wall. The last item I wanted to hang here was my husband’s golf bag. It
had been on the floor for…well, forever — and it was a mess. 

golf bag mount
was a bit of a spurge but totally worth it! I love that it’s up off the floor
and super secure. This thing is awesome: 
golf bag wall hanger

It was easy to install and the bag fits perfectly. 

All of these add up to a perfectly organized corner that holds WAY more than
it did before: 

hanging everything on garage walls

And it looks way better than it did before too! 

This is where a before pic would be GREAT, darn it: 

garage corner with hanging storage

I can’t believe how much I was able to fit over here! I love this corner!

Here are all of the items I shared in one spot if you are interested. I also
linked the fishing rod brackets I still need to hang and the bike hanger we
use — it is a pulley system that hangs from the ceiling. 


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